Monday, September 9, 2013

A Birthday "Thank You" from Practically Perfect Travel

We can’t believe that it has already been a year since we opened Practically Perfect Travel! This has been a fabulous experience and we are so excited to see where the next year takes us. If possible, Erin and I love what we do even more now than when we first started this business.
When we opened Practically Perfect Travel, we shared our “Who We Are” story with you: Quite simply Erin and Heather are Disney fanatics – passionate about all things Disney. We grew up loving Disney movies and unforgettable family trips. We have become parents who are witnessing Disney through an entirely different set of eyes – our children’s. Watching their priceless joy the first time one of them laid eyes on Mickey Mouse we knew we were hooked for life. Disney is magic. We believe that every Disney trip you take is something to be cherished. We strive to provide the best customer service there is and don’t be surprised if we seem more excited about your trip at times than you.

Our story is continuing and we are proud to say that we did everything we could this year to make every trip we booked special and memorable. The relationships cultivated and happy stories shared with us when trips are over have made our year!
We have learned a lot this past year and would like to share this with you:
Our trips are not your trips: We have learned to listen to our clients. Just because Erin could eat Dole Whip for every meal or Heather could ride Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster 28 times in a row does not mean that this is what every other visitor to Disney desires. We are striving to make sure we understand our clients’ needs and what is important to them to see and do at Disney World.
Disney never sleeps: whether it’s getting up at the crack of dawn to make dining reservations for a client or staying on the phone until midnight to help plan a surprise birthday party at a client’s resort, Disney is almost always open. We are proud to say that while we may have needed an extra cup of coffee in the morning, we actually had fun doing all of this!
It’s okay to ask for help: We have learned a lot about each other and it has made us more thankful to be in this partnership together. We are not perfect, but each of us has different skills, some we are just discovering, to enhance our business.
As excited as we are to celebrate our first anniversary, this is not about us. Our business would be nothing without our wonderful clients and our supportive family and friends. We exceeded our expectations and goals this year and it is you who we owe our thanks. We have been consistently amazed at how clients and acquaintances are helping us spread the word. You have referred us to your family and friends and this is the highest compliment we can be paid. We hope all our clients walk away with not only a magical, well-planned Disney vacation, but also the knowledge that Erin and I love what we do and we sincerely want our work to show this.

We thank you for all of your support and help in growing our business. We are ready to take on new challenges and help make your Disney travels “Practically Perfect!”

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